I've been thinking a lot about money lately, and how where we spend our money really does define what we value. Let's be real for a second, I'm broke right now. So I'm really aware of what it is that I'm spending my money on. For instance, I will spend more money on a quality/healthy meal than I will some new clothes, or a pair of comfortable, durable shoes before I look for something cute and flimsy. And yes, I realize how old that makes me sound, but it's true... And I'm still cute :)
It's just, I don't have a lot of extra to spend, so I'm forced to choose how I spend more wisely. I make investments now, and think about what is most essential before I go spending frivolously.
My homegirl, Sasha, just posted this video, "Learn the Secret Key to Afford Traveling", and it really got me thinking about what it is that I value.
As I'm getting older, I realize that mobility is my biggest concern. Living across country from my family, I'm constantly worried about whether or not I'll be able to make it home for special occasions or even in case of emergency. When I look at my bank account right now, I can't say that I could!
Let me stop right now and say, I am extremely thankful for my friends and family who provided me the financial ability to get home this month. After my emotional breakdown about being homesick, they moved mountains.... Not everyone has that type of support system, and without the excess money, it helps to have a surplus of love and support!
This opportunity to go home gave me some insight into something I think my circle is starting to realize... Life is too short not to spend time with the people you love.
I think about how the majority of my family "reunions" have all been during funerals.... when someone is always missing, and how quickly people will buy a plane ticket for someone's home-going, but while we're all still living we postpone our visits over and over. It saddens me.
Living in New York has taught me exactly how much financial stability equates to freedom, but more importantly, it's taught me about what I value by what I choose to spend my money on. I think about my next move, my next desire, my next investment all before purchasing something for the now, and consider what is most important, what will give me the most bang for my buck.... Most often, I choose experiences over anything else. After all, those are the things that add to my quality of life..
So as I write to you from my childhood room in San Diego, I remain thankful for the opportunity to be home, be mobile, and to be able to continue to work and earn money for my next move... That too is a blessing I must acknowledge... I'm thankful to be able to spend Mother's Day with my family, and my niece's birthday with her, to surprise her before her party started... To see my newly-wed sisters and share in their happiness with them. To spend quality time with my best-friends... To be inspired by my city. To breathe fresh air again!
I have so much to be thankful for, and the deeper I get into understanding my values, the more I see God blessing me to keep those close.
Love, health, art, community. Freedom. Life.